
Adrienne Wilson - Cooking Demo & Different Ways to Prepare an Ingredient


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Student Introduction of our Guest Speaker Adrienne Wilson.

Adrienne Wilson, is the Founder and Executive Chef of Feed Our Soul. In 2016, Chef Adrienne began writing a food blog catered to single meals for single women. She has over twelve years of experience in the hospitality industry, 7 of which have been involved in the food & beverage sector.

Although a Los Angeles native, Adrienne has lived in 4 countries and traveled around the world; experiencing many different nations including Japan, Italy, Portugal and South Africa. She has a culinary certificate from the University College of Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts in Sant Pol de Mar in Barcelona, Spain. Her passion for food justice began during her study at Georgetown University, receiving her M.S. Global Hospitality Leadership. Her mission in life is to reverse the wellness disparity in urban communities and help others to become food independent.

Adrienne loves teaching, sharing stories and being in nature. Her hobbies are going on runs, photography, painting, watching movies, reading cookbooks and tending to her garden. She believes that when we all live in a mindset of abundance, joy and peace; then we all can win!

About Feed Our Soul

A restorative organization. Their mission is to rebuild the connection between humans and nature. They believe it is every human's birthright to have access to nutrient rich foods on a consistent daily basis. They provide urban agriculture hubs and sustainable living farms in South Los Angeles. The Feed Our Soul program teaches environmental science and technology, along with nutritional and culinary education. Weekly, they share community produce distributions of locally grown produce to families in need. They are a registered 501(c)(3) charity organization.

Other Programs Include:

  • Free Farmer’s Market

  • The Black Farmer’s Roundtable—a forum to discuss the importance of uplifting the urban farmer & protecting our neighborhood environment.

Learn more at